Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

The Nissei Marine Global Official Shop (this site) asks users to provide a minimum amount of personal information so that they can use it with peace of mind.

"Nissei Marine Global Official Shop" pays the utmost attention to the protection of personal information provided.

The concept of personal information protection of "Nissei Marine Global Official Shop" is as follows.

  • In our company, regarding the information of individuals, groups and corporations registered by members, Used only to develop and provide cutting-edge functions and services at the Nissei Marine Global Official Shop. We will pay close attention to the protection of member personal information.
  • The scope of application of this privacy policy is limited to the services provided by the Nissei Marine Global Official Shop.
    (Scope stipulated in paragraph 1 below)
  • Except as specified in this agreement, we will not use it for any other purpose. (The purpose is stipulated in paragraph 2 below)
  • Except as specified in this agreement, we will not disclose to third parties. (Management is stipulated in paragraph 2 below)
  • In addition, appropriate management will be carried out regularly by the methods stipulated in this agreement.
  • "Nissei Marine Global Official Shop" can change the privacy policy without the user's permission. When the "Nissei Marine Global Official Shop" changes the content of personal information acquisition, the method of use, or the content of disclosure, etc. In order for users to know the contents, we will publish it in the notice on our website, We will notify you by reflecting it in this privacy policy.
  1. Scope of application of the privacy policy of "Nissei Marine Global Official Shop"
    • The concept of the privacy policy of "Nissei Marine Global Official Shop" is This applies when members use the services of the Nissei Marine Global Official Shop.
    • Personal information collected when members use the services of the "Nissei Marine Global Official Shop" Personal information is managed in accordance with the "Nissei Marine Global Official Shop" approach to personal information protection.
    • The personal information protection policy of the "Nissei Marine Global Official Shop" is that the "Nissei Marine Global Official Shop" is directly provided. This applies only to services, and does not apply to services of other organizations, companies, etc. connected by links, etc.
    • The use of the services of the "Nissei Marine Global Official Shop" shall be done at the user's responsibility.
    • From our website and other websites linked to our website "Nissei Marine Global Official Shop" will not be liable for any damages caused by the use of various information obtained. We do not take any responsibility.
  2. Collection and use of personal information by Nissei Marine Global Official Shop
    At the Nissei Marine Global Official Shop, in order to develop and provide cutting-edge functions and services to our members, We need some personal information about our members.
    • Please manage the ID and password of the shop at your own responsibility.
      - Change your password regularly and use a name, date of birth, password that is easy for others to guess. We recommend that you avoid using phone numbers.
      - Also, please do not disclose, lend, or transfer personal information even if it is an acquaintance or friend.
      -Please do not write your password in your inquiry email or her Q&A on our website.
    • Collected personal information will be used only to the extent necessary to provide the services of the Nissei Marine Global Official Shop. We will not provide personal information to any third party except in the following cases.
    • When personal information is disclosed to a settlement company for identity verification, billing destination confirmation and credit investigation at the settlement company
    • With the consent of the member
      - When sending an e-mail requesting consent for the use of personal information from the member
      - Companies that have signed confidentiality agreements with us in advance (for example, subcontractors)
      - To members, e-mails for advertising of our company or our business partners, etc. When sending direct mail
      - Members' actions at the "Nissei Marine Global Official Shop" may not be covered by the "Nissei Marine Global Official Shop" If you violate the terms of use of "Nissei Marine Global Official Shop", other members, third parties or our company's rights, When deemed necessary to protect property
      - When disclosure of personal information is requested in accordance with the provisions of other laws, such as orders from courts or administrative agencies, or investigation of crimes, elimination or prevention of infringement of rights against third parties, Other cases where there is a need to comply with this
    • The member shall agree in advance to the use of personal information by the method specified above to our company. I shall not object.
    • In addition, in the following cases, the personal information of our business partners and members will be collected at the Nissei Marine Global Official Shop. I have something to share.
      - When there is a business reason such as a special service for members.
      In this case, we will ask for the consent of the member before providing the information, and will not provide it without consent.
      - When creating statistical materials, market research, data analysis, etc.
      In this case, we will only provide information that has been processed so that it is not possible to identify a specific individual.
  3. contact
    If you have any questions about the way of thinking about personal information shown here Please contact us from the inquiry form.